Mailing address below. Must be exactly like this.

David Beavans
University of the Virgin Islands
Student Activities Center Box#49
#2 John Brewers Bay
St. Thomas, VI 00802-6004

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Today was orientation. It was odd. It felt like the first day of summer camp back when I was a kid in Boy Scouts. There was a bunch of sweaty people trying to figure it all out carrying around handfuls of stuff in string backpacks. Also, it seemed like not many people knew what was going on. All of the leaders were extremely friendly, but not many really seemed like they knew exactly what they were doing. This complicated some things, but everyone's hospitality was enough to over look the lack of organization.

Overall it was really nice. The University has only around 2,000 students and only about 70 were at the new student orientation today. We were split into groups of around 15. Anyone with any kind of authority treated you like they genuinely cared. The cafeteria staff, the professors, the financial aid employees, the provost, the dean..  everyone was doing their best to establish a personal relationship with you. It was neat. At USC I experienced nothing like that. Here I ate lunch beside the president of the university just casually.

Lunch was supposed to be a welcome party for us. It was very island-y. There were people walking around on stilts dressed in elaborate costumes that looked like they just walked in from the Carnival parade. In the corner was a band playing modern music in a reggae style. They were good and loud. There were balloons everywhere. It was quite the experience.

They never got my room situation figured out. Maybe that will happen tomorrow. Here is a pic of my ID. My hair was sweaty and I had been wearing a hat all day which they made me take off.

We didn't get a campus tour during orientation like I was hoping. Before dinner I decided to do one of my own. As I was walking around campus trying to find the gym, I stumbled upon this view. It almost looks fake. I don't know what to say.

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